
Skin what skin care ingredients like the most?

Skin care lotion in the skin surface absorbed after depends on skin care substances, excipients and cuticle on physical and chemical effects, including the following four aspects:
  (1) skin care substances in excipient solubility in drugs in excipient easier dissolved, the more easily remain on the excipients, the more easily with the excipient molecules together skins.
  (2) skin care substances in the solubility of the stratum corneum lipid-soluble substances in the stratum corneum solubility than pure water soluble substances, its absorption is better in both oil and dissolved in water material is the best.
  (3) an absorption in general water and oil will easily into the skin, the rule is:
  Lanolin > Vaseline > vegetable oil > liquid paraffin.
  (4) the concentration of the substance skin care in General, the higher the concentration, the more easily absorbed, but prices more expensive, but also easy to wastage.
  If the water and oil can be high concentration of dissolved substances of skin care, water and lanolin hybrid excipient made into water or oil in water Frost class skin care products are most likely to be absorbed.

