
Winter weight loss 14 strokes and burns the downsizing

Winter is the season of most likely to become fat, cold weather get people thinking about eating something, then you may eat the fat is worried that, together with the cold even shrink quilt do not want to exercise, so can't figure out the fat one winter past consumption, you'll be fat.Today your small knitted summarizes the 14 winter weight loss diet will put you in taking a long winter.

  1. do indoor sports:
  Because the weather factors a lot of people are too lazy to outdoor sports, we recommend that you can alter some indoor sports ..Like gyrating, aerobics, belly dancing or used fitness equipment, etc., or to the Indoor Games Hall as Jacuzzi, badminton, etc.If there is no movement place neighborhood, do yoga, Pilates, housework, climbing stairs, flowers, was the dog shopping mall.Are to increase physical activity a good way of

  2. many people like to drink hot beverages in winter to warm the body
  In the select hot soup, hot beverages that points:
  When you try not to drink hot sugar.If you really want sugar sweeteners, you can choose to replace to reduce the caloric intake.The best coffee, no more cream to a cup of coffee should
  On the market today some people say that drinking ginger tea on weight loss and some effects are those physical cold, winter cold hands and feet on pretty easily.The fresh ginger, peeled and cut into thin slices and then placed in a bag of black tea, soaked into a cup of drink.After drinking will warm after gastric, their will.This will enable the body heat energy production, and improve metabolism, naturally they consume fat.Drink plenty of thin ginger tea can be effective in the lower leg and thigh.In addition, winter or you can drink more tea and flowers to accelerate fat-burning.

  4. Although the poorest farmers in the winter will still have to pay attention to a small but replacement
  Drink plenty of water will not only have no calories consumed a lot of body must also to metabolism heat and moisture, the best in weight loss period to drink plenty of water, because moisture can speed up metabolism will of waste from the body, effective treatment of constipation, winter drink water amount is the same as the recommendations of the 2000CC

  5. it is recommended that when it's cold bubbly hot bath.
  Help increase metabolism in the bath, but suffer from heart disease, high blood pressure, asthma, and so on.The burden of chronic ailments or bubble baths to take care to pay special attention to the best of ventilation, and water levels do not exceed the chest is more secure, bathing slimming product once if they tie in with a massage, slim body more effective Oh

  6. home ready to a weight.
  Measurement of weight regularly fixed-point every day, if you are not careful about getting fat, trying hard to eat less in respect of the active principle, eat a lot more high-fiber foods, fruits, vegetables, ingest let eat too many rich food stomach quickly returned to normal, it is very effective for reducing stomach.

  8. low-calorie dinner
  Winter weight loss do not eat or eat a little.The feeling of hunger and cold believe that no one can put up with it, in the case of low temperatures, especially large difference in temperature between day and night of the season, human insulin secretion in in the morning, by the evening of the Valley of increased secretion of peak to, and it is this insulin would promote excessive sedimentation of fat in the body.We can only in the morning and afternoon to eat and drink high in calories, and at night can only eat food low in calories, so long as it slightly, note the dinner or heat of recipes you lose weight, so that you don't have to starve yourself all day

  9. after the first soup with rice and end up with a staple of the order can be changed to lose weight eat eat eat soup, vegetables, meat, again better health to lose weight.Drink water, low calorie soup will soon produce 饱腹感, vegetables, and then staple, bread, rice is third place.Meat, fish, and so the final protein and fat food before eating.The order in accordance with the healthy eating will not be easy to feel hungry can and reduce the desire for snacks

  10. decelerating eating can lose weight fast
  The brain takes 20 minutes to accept messages to eat, mealtimes control in more than 20 minutes, in order to slowly eating dinner thin, and eat too fast often gastrointestinal are not good, but also easy to eat too much for a moment and caused obesity. You can try to change hands use chopsticks used infrequently used the hand grip chopsticks consumption, would not have too many dishes the heels of a clip.The quantity of each port will naturally decrease or clamp a mouthful of food after putting down the chopsticks to fully munching.Every mouth chew food at least 30 times, so that the food in your mouth the longer they stay, the more we can get good and full 胀感

  12. go to bed early, normal life
  A recent study found that stay up late and life is not working properly are getting fat and form the living habits of the regulation rate will help to lose weight, morning if he can have a glass of water or honey accelerates fat-burning.

  13. don't eat late-night snacks
  Eat late-night snacks on seeking weight loss is the most lethal bad habits, it is best not to eat.Really hungry can't stand, low-fat milk to drink or eat food low in calories intake, or have some bitter gourd, bitter gourd special DH of weight loss is particularly effective, slightly not hungry hurry and I go to sleep

